  1. Orchestra Compositions
  2. Concerts
  3. Compositions for keyboards (more player too)
  4. Compositions for solo except piano
  5. Chamber music for two instruments
  6. Chamber music (trio, quartet etc)
  7. Chorus
  8. Compositions for voice (except Chorus)
  9. Compositions for magnetic tape or electronic instruments
  10. Compositions for children
  11. Other compositions
Orchestra Compositions:
Il pozzo delle favole - (1991)
reciting voice and chamber orchestra (testo: Roberto Battaglia) - 24’ 

Tre liriche di W. B. Yeats  (1991):
      1) Un canto conviviale soprano and chamber orchestra  - 3’
      2) I vecchi che si ammirano nell’acqua     soprano and chamber orchestra
        (words by W. B. Yeats) - 4’30”

Il secondo insondabile silenzio (1995-1997)
(l’orrore - l’indifferenza e la preghiera - il ricordo e la speranza: Passacaglia del buio e della luce - la follia - per non dimenticare) orchestra - 15’
Trois soupirs ironiques (Soupir de joie - Soupir d’amour – Plainte) (1995)
orchestra   -  4’45”
Bernstein’s Stories (2001)        
soprano and chamber orchestra  -   10’15”
Ireland’s Eye   (Dubh - Ireland’s eyes – Magpie) (1997-1998)
fl. and orchestra      -   22’30”                                          

La bandiera e la tempesta (2004-2005) 
cello and orch. (boys’ choir ad libitum)  -   23’ ca.             

Abel 101 Concert  (2010)     
alto recorder (or fl.), string orchestra -  11’
Compositions for keyboards (more player too):
Largo Mistico (per l’elevazione) (1984)            
organ -  2’ /4’

Ropagames (1984)
piano - 9’

La rosa spezzata (1988)
four hands piano - 6’      
Tandango (1988)
four hands piano - 3’30”

I vicini di casa (1993)
four hands piano - 2’25”

Quattro cartoline (Un anno dopo - Un mese dopo - Una settimana dopo - Un giorno dopo) (1995)
piano - 2’40”

Sok z czarnej porzeczki (1997)
piano - 2’/3’
Prima di Boob (1997)
harpsichord (0r piano) - 4’

Différences (2000)
six hands piano - 10' ca.
La Follia (2001)
harpsichord - 9’   
    Different version: (2001)             
     two harpsichords - 8’
Preludio e fuga (dal secolo dei lumi oscurati) (2007)
piano - 5’
Compositions for solo except piano:
Luna (1988)
flute - 2’45

Quattro frammenti da... (1990)
cello - 6’25”
Il paese meraviglioso (1994)
piano - 8’15”       
    Different version: (1994)
     four hands piano - 8’15”

Soli (2010) 
ocarina or another instruments (or more instruments) - 11’  
Chamber music for two instruments:
Jongleur (1981)
flute and guitar  -  5’18”
Improvvisi & Sequenze n. 2 (1987)
cello and piano - 3’30”
Immeros (1990)
guitars duo - 6’45"

Shelob (1992)
bass clarinet and clarinet, piano  - 8’15”

Le pagine bianche delle storie (1994)
flute and piano 10’15”
   Different versions:
   (1994) flute, bass clarinet and piano - 10’15”               
   (1994) violin, cello and piano - 10’15”   
Lo specchio di Narciso (1994)
flute and piano - 2’15”
L’ultimo sospiro nella rugiada del mattino (1996)
bassoon and piano - 8’30”
Prima di Boob
Different version:  
(2000) two guitars ( for a different version see “Perpetuum mobile”) - 4’
Il sole che suonava il flauto al gufo  (1999)
flute and piano - 6’30”

No War (1999)
guitar and piano - 8’50”

Helin (1999)
saxophones and piano - 8’30”
Ireland’s Eyes (1999)
flute and piano - 6’20”

Sette Soli Sette Lune (2001)
flute and piano - 10’45”

L’altro mondo possibile (2001)
flute and piano - 6’30”
La Follia
Different version: (2001) 
flute and piano - 8’
Il suono delle acque ritrovate (2002)
guitar and piano - 8’40”
Chamber music (trio, quartet etc):
Corale (1980)
flute and string trio - 3’45”
Three Friends (1984)
flute, bassoon and harp - 5’30”
Déjà vu (1985)
clarinet sextet - 15’

The Lake Fantasia (1986)
fl., violin, viola, cello and guitar - 9’30”
dal “Libro Rosso”del Signor Baggins (1987)
ob., cl., sax., bassoon - 15’50’’
Jazz Quartet ‘ad fugam’ (1990)
string quartet - 14' ca.
L’altra faccia della luna (1991)
recorder solo or recorder ensemble - 5’/10’
Mon Pére le Jongleur (Introduzione, I domatori dei leoni di pietra, L’elefante volante, Intervallo, La trapezista, Finale) (1992-1993)
flute, viola, bass cl. and in sib, piano - 16’30”

No market (1993)
2 fl., 2 v., 2 harps, four hands piano - 1’40”/3’ ca.

Lu bandetore (1993)
2 actresses, 2 fl., 2 v., 2 harps, four hands piano - 3’ ca.

Passacaglia della carne e dello spirito (1993)
recorder, harpsichord and cello - 4’30”  
   Different versions:
   (1994) flute, strings and harpsichord - 4’30”
   (1994) two guitars - 4’30”
   (1994) flute and guitar - 4’30”
   (1994) sax, electric bass and piano - 4’30”
   (1994) three guitars - 4’30”
   (1994) guitar quartet - 4’30”
   (1994) fl., viola, bass cl., piano - 4’30”
   (1996) 2 v., cello and piano (o harpsichord) - 4’30”

Le pagine bianche delle storie
   Different versions:
    (1994) flute, bass cl. and piano - 10’15”
    (1994) violin, cello and piano - 10’15”
In Chiostro (1995)
string trio, cl. and bass cl., bassoon - 12’25”ca  
    Different version:
    (1997) string trio, cl. and bass cl., bassoon, harp, perc. - 13’ ca
Shamrock (1997)
guitar quartet - 14’30” 

Nel giardino di Venere e Marte (1997)
clarinet, cello and piano - 9’
Alihodza (1998)
fl., accordion., 2 percussionists, and double bass. - 6’15”
E drâgh dal sett test (1999)
seven ocarinas (and percussions ad libitum) - 12’40”
Conchiglia Strombo (from N.Y. to Jerusalem) (1999)
seashells, vibes, d. bass, recorder and percussions - 6’
I sette veli (1999)
 saxophone quartet - 8’
Radio Millennium Night (1999)
guitar quartet - 13’ ca.

Perpetuum Mobile (Prima di Boob)  (2000)      
guitar quartet - 4’45”
Split (2000)
fl.., rec., trombone, violin, cello, zitera  -  6’ ca.
Moon Prelude (2001)
2 double basses and piano   - 4’45”
Celtic Suite (2000)
flute and cello orchestra - 9’ ca.

La Follia
Different version: (2001)
recorder, cello and harpsichord - 8’
Don Quijote (2003)
cl., cello and piano - 14’

Alla fine dell’infinito (2009)
alto recorder (flute), cello and harpsichord (piano) - 8’
Centocinquanta (2011)
violin quartet - 10’ca.

Italian Freaks Quartet (2012)
saxophone quartet - 12’ ca.
Alzo gli occhi verso i monti (Salmo 120) (1984)
S.A.T.B. - 3’15”
Missa “Reservata”  (1992)
S.A.T.B. - 15’30”
Hymnus in honorem Dei, et beati Geminiani (1999)
S.A.T.B. and organo - 3’
Missa Brevis    (Kyrie – Sanctus) (1999-2001)
S.A.T.B. - 4’
One, two, three, four (2002)
S.A.T.B. - 3’
Compositions for voice (except Chorus):
Nevicava (1989)
mezzo soprano, piano and cello - 3’

...come fiori dai petali oscuri... (1990)
mezzo soprano and cello - 3’

Giochi di vento e di luna (1993)
bass, bassoon and cello  (words by Anonimo XI/XII sec., Giorgio Baffo, J. P. Bèranger) - 6’45”

Io ti amo (1997)
soprano and piano  (words by Stefano Benni) - 5’10”
Compositions for magnetic tape or electronic instruments:
Un attimo prima del buio (1989)
magnetic tape - 20’27”
L’autunno dei patriarchi (1990)
magnetic tape - 15’21”
West ‘95 Battres    (colonna sonora per un documentario) (1995)
workstation Roland JV 1080  -  59’24”                                     

Rocca di Luna (1999)
 zitera, flute, workstation Roland JV 1080  - 23’30”
Solitudini (1999)
workstation Roland JV 1080 - 22’
Compositions for children:
...e per fortuna questa è soltanto una storia (1986)
piano and reciting voice  -  7’

Un fiore rosso all’occhiello (1988)
small chamber orchestra, soloists, choir, piano, accordion, magnetic tape, percussions   (words by Mariliana Fabbri) - 30’
Girotondo intorno al sole (1990)
boys’ choir and chamber orchestra (3 recorders (s. c. b.), 2 flutes., cl., guitars, alto saxophone, tenor sax, trumpet, string section, spinet, synthesizer, violin keyboard and piano) - 10’30”
Musica da costruire (Triduodance - Trintrio - Mudakos) (1992)
various instruments   -  changeable duration                                       

Prepostinterludio (1992)
various instruments - changeable duration

Favole a 4 mani (Marcia di Re, Regine e qualche sberleffo – Cenerentola – Il soldatino di piombo – Cappuccetto Rosso - La lepre e la tartaruga - Marcia di fate, orchi, folletti e qualche intruso) (1992)
four hands piano - 13’
Cinque, Sette, Dodici  (1994)
various instruments -  changeable duration

Tre pezzi per bambini  (Bilocò, Ambarabaciccicocò, Nonno e Nipotino) (1998)
voices, piano, an instrument ad libitum (words by Mariliana Fabbri and Roberto Battaglia) - 7'

Robin Hood (1998) orchestra and choir - 1 h ca.                                              

Other compositions:
Cadenze per il “Concerto in re magg.”KV 314 di Mozart  (1990)
flute - 3’
Pinocchio - musica da scena (1993)
magnetic tape - 4’45”